Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I swear sometimes I think that in a previous life I was a fat kid. I also think that in a previous life I was probably an artist or musician but that's for another time. So I'm here reading Juxtapoz which by the way I love the art in it, and I suddenly start craving strawberry donuts, you know, those with sprinkles from Dunkin Donuts. Delicious. So flash foward 30 minutes and I start checking some blogs about the Eagles and I start thinking about plans for the game and one of the places I think of is Olive Branch. This is where my mind wanders off even more and I start thinking about the onion rings there which are absolutely delicious and now I'm craving onion rings. Last night I was craving salt and vinegar chips at 2am and almost talked Grace imoto-chan into getting me some. I was definitely a fat kid

Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Blog

Well, I've been bored lately and I feel like blogging again. Anyways, its been a decently eventful week.

1. Eagles killed it today. Sorry Cowgirls, maybe next year(again).
2. Christmas = gifts = some gifts I don't really want = Returning gifts for money to get stuff I do want
3. Haircut
4. New Sneakers:
I've also started to get addicted to Gears of War 2. If you don't have it and you have a Xbox 360, what are you doing, go get it now. Horde is incredibly fun, multiplayer in general is fun especially if you are with some friends. I think I'm gonna play now......